Frequently Asked Questions


How much money do i need to invest?

The question should never be how much money I need to invest. It should be, how much can I afford to invest. You can start investing with as little as $1 but you only invest what you can afford to loose.

Is investing hard?

No. Investing can be as simple or complex as you make it. There are many different types of investments and investors. You must decide which one is right for you.

Do you manage my ASSETS for me?

No. At K.W.G we believe in teaching our clients to be self sufficient. We give our clients the tools and resources to manage their own assets.

how do i build personal credit?

Building personal credit is not a one size fits all. It depends on the person’s current credit report. A person that has not opened a credit account will have different needs than a person that is trying to rebuild their credit. At K.W.G we provide you with a detailed planned based on your credit report.

What do I need to start a business?

To start a business you need a plan, capital, and support. At K.W.G, we are prepared to help guide you through this process.

How can i increase my business revenue?

There are many different ways to increase revenue. Each will depend on your specific business and industry. Book a consultation with us so we can discuss your specific needs.

do i need a lawyer to start a business?

No. You do not need a lawyer to start a business but it is highly recommend.

How do I build business credit?

In most cases, building business credit starts with building personal credit. There are exceptions to this, however more information about your specific business will be needed.